
Likkutei Sichot, Volume 7 - מצורע - א

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Metzora begins with the laws concerning the purification of the leper. The Rebbe begins with the question, why should we call this Sidra Metzora, “the leper,” a name with unpleasant connotations? Especially when an earlier generation of Rabbis called it, ...
The Torah portion Metzora begins by stating: “This shall be the law of the metzora : he shall be brought to the kohen, the priest.”Vayikra 14:2. The verse then goes on to say,Ibid. verse 3. “The kohen shall go out of the camp” and inspect the metzora. Sin...
Metzora; Leviticus 14:1-15:33
Adapted from Likkutei Sichos, Vol. VII, p. 100ff; Vol. XXII, p. 77ff; Parshas Tazria, 5751; Sefer HaSichos 5751, p. 491ff Consummate Perfection and Superficial Flaws Our Sages ask:Sanhedrin 98b. “What is Mashiach’s name?” and reply “The leper of the House...
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