
Likkutei Sichot, Volume 7 - צו - א

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Likkutei Sichos, Volume 7, Tzav 1
Introduction In one of the midrashim to which Chassidus refers very frequently, our Sages Shmos Rabbah 12:3. describe the new development brought about by the Giving of the Torah: To what can this matter be likened? To a king who decreed, “The inhabitants...
When G-d told Moshe to relay various mitzvos to the Jewish people, He used the expressions: “speak to the children of Israel,” “say to the children of Israel” or “command the children of Israel.”See Rashi, beginning of Vayikra ; See also Toras Kohanim ibi...
Tzav; Leviticus 6:1-8:36;
Adapted from Likkutei Sichos, Vol. VII, p. 30ff; Vol. VIII, p. 232ff; Vol. XXXII, p. 1ff To Leap a Chasm From the earliest ages, men have been aware of a reality beyond the material a reality which transcends man’s senses and intellect. And yet, that very...
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