
Likkutei Sichot, Volume 6 - בשלח - א

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Pinchas Torah Likkutei Sichos, Vol. VI, p. 86ff. I. On the verse:Shmos 14:27. “And towards morning, the sea turned back to its power,” the MidrashBereishis Rabbah 5:5; Shmos Rabbah 21:6; Zohar, Vol. II, p. 198b. states that when G‑d created the sea, He es...
This Sidra relates the story of the division of the Red Sea, its waters parted by a powerful wind sent by G-d. When the wind ceased and the waters closed on the pursuing Egyptians, we are told that “the sea returned to its strength.” Why did the Torah add...
The Torah portion of Beshallach includes the phraseShmos 14:27. “and the sea returned to its [original] strength.” The Midrash notes that G-d made the creation of the sea conditional on its willingness to split when the Jews were to pass through it.Bereis...
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