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Kabbalah: (lit. “received tradition”) the body of Jewish mystical teachings, the central text of which is the Zohar
The Soul of Judaism
If this is a secret wisdom, why are we teaching it?
Authentic received wisdom you can rely on
From the holy mystical city of Tzefat (Safed): The largest, kosher, kabbalah-in-English website on the web. First-ever translations of classic Kabbalah texts. Articles illuminating the challenges of modern life. Zohar, the Holy Ari and other Safed kabbali...
I see a ball moving up and down on the screen--is it really rebounding against the bottom of the screen? Does the menu bar really have drop-down menus hidden behind it? To explain our world without examining its inner depth is as shallow as explaining the...
Jewish Mysticism
Sometimes described as Jewish mysticism, Kabbalah refers to the received wisdom of theology of Jewish practice built upon teachings handed down through the generations from Sinai.
It is important to realize that the Kabbalah is more about losing ourselves than about finding, becoming more other-centered and less ego-centered. The literal translation of the word Kabbalah is 'that which is received.'
A closer look at what Kabbalah is all about, its role in Torah, and what the teachings of Chassiuds add to the understanding of Jewish mysticism.
Rabbi Vigler hosts Rabbi Eyal Reiss, director of the Tzfat Kabbalah Center, in a deep discussion about the life lessons of Kabbalah.
I was watching a news report the other day with Madonna (now known as Esther). She was discussing how Kabbalah has changed her life
Kabbalistic Cosmology
A kabbalistic answer to the age-old philosophical question, "How can a finite creation come into existence from an infinite Creator?" A basic introduction to the esoteric doctrines of "tzimtzum" and "hishtalshelut."
Divine Anthropomorphism in Torah
An examination of the Torah's use of anthropomorphism to describe G-d and how the mystics understand the metaphor of the "image of G-d."
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