
Perpetual Creation

Knowledge Base » G-d and Man » Creation » Perpetual Creation
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Creation Without Cause
The immediate implication of true creation is that nothing “must be.”
What does it mean, and what does it mean to us...
Aside from stimulating our minds and inspiring our mystic wonder, what are the practical ramifications of the truth that G‑d is creating the world anew every moment of time?
The Kabbalah of Divine energy to create everything conveyed in the letters and words of the Hebrew alphabet.
As a roadblock, it was a fiction. As a miracle, it became real.
There are no obstacles, only miracles waiting to happen.
The creation of the world something from nothing demonstrates its non-existence, for it must be brought into existence continuously.
Don't miss the 50th episode of KabbalaToons, in which the secret behind all miracles is revealed! (Okay, 50 guesses what's the secret behind all miracles, starting now...)
Believing in a Higher Power is one thing; but believing in a Higher Power who is in control at every moment is another.
Are the events of our lives the result of random chaos or are things running according to plan?
Unravel the deep mystical reality of G-d’s oneness and see how it relates to ridding ourselves from the big and little anxieties of life.
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