
Manna, The

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Manna, The: the food from heaven provided to the Jews in the desert after the exodus from Egypt
The manna (in Hebrew, מן, which is more accurately transliterated as mon) was the miraculous edible substance that fell each day from heaven during the 40-year period between the Exodus and the conquest of Israel, providing our ancestors with sustenance t...
Soul Boost for Parshat Eikev
What exactly was the mannah? What did it taste like? What did it look like? Was it really necessary? And was any of it preserved?
Parshah Curiosities: Beshalach
What exactly was the heavenly food called manna, and what does it represent? Discover its meaning and relevance for us living in the 21st century.
Only after a week of eating the manna in the desert did the Jewish people give it a name. Why did they wait that long? In answering this question, this class will explain the deeper connection between manna and the Sabbath, inasmuch that the Jewish people...
Parsha Beshalach
Manna, the bread from heaven consumed by the Jewish people for forty years in the wilderness, is superior to regular bread in three specific ways. These three qualities may also be compared to the qualities of Shabbat, the day of rest. (Based on Likkutei ...
We read in Exodus 16:15 that the heavenly bread fell, and “when the children of Israel saw [it], they said to one another, ‘It is manna,’ because they did not know what it was.” But what does “manna” mean?
Ordinary food is not extracted from heaven. Unlike the manna, the hand of G‑d is concealed in our bread. But there's an exception to this rule: Matzah.
Shabbat provides spiritual nourishment for each weekday.
Shabbat provides spiritual nourishment for each weekday.
Bombarded from every direction, we can hardly help but respond. We try harder, run faster and work longer, racing at breakneck speed like mad hamsters on a wheel. No one expects to keep running forever. We all intend to stop—just as soon as we get where w...
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