
Mind, The Human

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Here was a nation that had experienced the greatest miracles of all time: the ten plagues, the splitting of the Red Sea and the manna. And yet they were not impervious to the plague of doubt . . .
Nemesis of G‑dliness
Amalek is the psychic and cosmic nemesis of all that is pure and G‑dly in man and in creation. How is he overcome? The key lies in a single word: “Remember.”
According to the School of Shammai, if your spouse is unfaithful; according to the School of Hillel, a burnt supper is grounds; Rabbi Akiva says, "even if he found another more beautiful than she."
Even if we feel it necessary to take another person to court, ensure it remains a “case” and does not descend into a “quarrel.”
A closer look into Rashi’s commentary on the prohibition to borrow money with interest as elucidated through examining varying nuances in ancient manuscripts.
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