
Speech; Communication

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One little dude throwing words at another little dude.
Discover the most effective ways to communicate and how to find opportunity even within the difficulties of our times.
Why doesn’t Judaism endorse freedom of speech? According to Kabbalah, speech is very powerful and the words leave an energetic imprint on the world.
Testing fate with your words
Jewish texts caution us against saying self-derogatory things, lest they later become self-fulfilling prophecies. Why would our mere words be held against us in the heavenly court and actually impact the divine judgement? This class presents a window into...
Becoming One with Your Spouse
A look at different styles of communication and learning how to effectively express your feelings and needs to your spouse.
How to open up the lines of communication with your children.
A Torah Approach to Successful Communication
Speech is what defines us as human beings. How we speak determines the type of human beings that we are. This class demonstrates how to properly communicate feelings of need, hurt and criticism in a constructive and loving manner based on a five-step proc...
Avoiding words that contaminate our environment.
Jono Gets a new cell phone so he can play snake all the time. Hilarity ensues.
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