
Conformism & Non-Conformism

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I found myself questioning the one thing I had always depended on—my Jewish faith...
I was left with a strange feeling that I was out of step with much of America. For my kids don’t know who these celebrities are, and my husband and I have no intention of telling them...
Ingredients to Retain My Identity
To be true to yourself while sitting in your living room is no big feat. That’s what the angels do in heaven, and they get absolutely no credit for that. The trick is to be yourself in someone else’s living room. To remain who you are no matter where you ...
Raising Children to be Inviduals
I tell the psychiatrist that in our family we are all a bit weird. She seems taken aback by my openness. Perhaps she does not remember as clearly as I do what it means to be a child...
A Passover lesson
There are two ways to use the beauty of this world. One way is to walk into the wild in order to escape one’s inner turmoil, the other is to walk into the wild in order to go towards one’s self . . .
A Fascinating Monkey Experiment with a Very Human Lesson
How often do we bypass our value system, simply because that’s what everyone else does?
Obama's response to his critics was quick in coming. "Those jeans are comfortable," explained the Commander-in-Chief, and he was not about to sacrifice his comfort just to be a bit more in vogue.
The Dangers of Orthodoxy
Besides the problem with the idea of labels in general, and the inappropriateness of the term "Orthodoxy" to a lifestyle that is itself a growth form, I have a very serious issue with the personal limits the term creates...
What's really wrong with orthodoxy?
I like Shabbat. I like Torah, especially the Kabbalah stuff and Chassidic stories. I feel a strong attachment to the Jewish people. But I'm a non-conformist at heart -- I just can't see myself following all those regulations
He was a nerd. And, like most of us nerds out there, he was practically crawling out of his skin. He was trying to figure out life.
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