
Present, The

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A Jewish Love Story
A wonderful story that illustrates how every moment in life is an opportunity to do a mitzvah
Something Spiritual on Parshat Ki Tavo
The story of Jacob teaches us how to give meaning to the fleeting moments in life.
Rabbi Avraham Glick was a shliach in Worcester, Massachusetts when he was asked to join the Chabad Representatives in Melbourne, Australia. The Rebbe approved of his move but advised him not to move right away but to wait a while. Feeling like he was in l...
Experiences are what make our lives so enriching. However, when we're distracted by other things, we lose the experience. This is why being in the moment is the key to having an experience.
What is Teshuva and how should we approach doing it?
Parshat Behaalotcha
How often do we will away time, counting down till vacation and fuming while caught in traffic? Here’s an alternate perspective.
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