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Darkness (13)
Lamp (32)
Light (52)
Shadows (7)
Why does our Creator plunk us down into despair, misery and sorrow and then ask us to struggle toward the light? Why not put us in the light in the first place?
Yes, adults are scared of the dark too
I can hear a thief fiddling with the lock, a serial murderer climbing through the window . . .
Feeling overwhelmed by the darkness in your life? Follow the advice of a young child on how to find the beauty and goodness in everything...
If to You the darkness is as light, it is not to me; the darkness comes hard...
Beneath us was a shadow of absolute blackness, but ahead was a fiery ball, a breathtaking combination of blood reds and seething oranges, casting lighter shades of pinks and mauves around the outward edges of its sphere...
KabbalaToons: Episode XIV
A little light chases away a lot of darkness.
When confronted with darkness, what do you do? fight it? peer more deeply into it? A dual lesson from the Plague of Darkness that afflicted the Egyptians
In light we are dissolved, overcome by a reality leaves no room for doubt or fear or curiosity, nor need for courage, flexibility, or interpretation. And so, benevolently, the light that once filled the world contracted to make space for you
Create an absence, and the vacuum will fill itself with a ferociousness that no "active" force can match.
The Torah does not tell us the exact times when many important events occurred. Nevertheless, we are told that Pharoah commanded the Jews to leave Egypt exactly at midnight on the 15th of Nissan. Further, the Torah narrates the exact moment they actually ...
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