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Silence can be the most devastating sound possible; yet at times also the most rewarding. How is your silence?
While talking can accomplish a lot, silence can be golden. When we stop taking space and begin making space, there is suddenly room for innovation and creativity. More importantly, there is space for another person.
Learn the true art of effective communication
When G-d instructed Moses to go down to Egypt and speak to Pharaoh, Moses protested that he was unfit for the task due to his speech impediment. G-d responded that He would grant Moses the ability to speak and, furthermore, Aaron would act as his spokespe...
Esther as a model for a higher mode of prayer
On its most basic level, to pray is to ask G-d to provide for your needs. But the story of Esther provides a loftier model, which should guide us as we approach the High Holidays.
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