
Future, The

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The End of What?
What is it that will come to an end in the future redemption, and what will existence be like?
A Revolution in Human Consciousness
The coming of Moshiach is the fulfillment of G-d's plan for creation that human beings enter an era in which they will all pursue the knowledge of G-d.
When Jonathan builds a time machine out of a cardboard box, aluminum foil, duct-tape, and six explosions, the rabbi teaches us all about how to make the best use of time.
Parsha Curiosities: Vayeitzei
A tiny fissure in the textual surface alerts us to the deep seismic movement beneath the crust of the Parsha’s opening narrative, as the choice of an unusual word sets off an exploration into kindred yet vastly different paranormal journey's through time ...
A fascinating difference in the secular and Jewish approach to history.
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