
Men & Women

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Marriage (181)
Sexuality (12)
A different perspective on men, women and relationships
Contrary to prevailing impressions in many Western societies and cultures, there are essential differences between men and women. Rabbi Forma shares his unique perspective on equality, and argues that when properly understood, it can help make your marria...
Male and Female According to Chassidus
The different spiritual make-up of men and women illuminates their respective roles in a healthy relationship.
A Taste of Text—Bereishit
Women often seek love and connection. Men often seek respect and appreciation. Embedded within the Torah is advice on how to create a successful relationship.
At the age of 140 Avraham remarries Hagar and fathers six children. Strangely, the Torah does not indicate that this was miraculous. In answering this question, this talk explores the divergent legacies of Abraham and Sarah and the respective roles of men...
The masculine and the feminine in Chabad thought, based on two discourses given by the seventh Chabad Rebbe in the winter of 1965.
A deeper understanding of why we have three matzos on the Seder plate and drink four cups of wine. Discover how the spiritual dimensions of the Exodus reflect the difference between men and women in light of Chassidus. (Based on Lukutei Sichos vol. 26, Pa...
The Kabbalah of Marriage
Understanding the different soul characteristics of men and women is key to better relationships.
Understanding why the Creator is so often referred to in the masculine in Jewish tradition, and why the kabbalists often refer to G-d as female as well.
What is male and female energy according to Kabbalah?
After thousands of years of male dominance, the time has come for the feminine era to emerge when feminine energy is appreciated.
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