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Love of G-d (182)
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Romantic Love as an Ideal With new-found freedom, a wider intergenerational gap, heightened mobility, greater individuality, and expanded opportunities for employment and travel, the fever of romantic love grew contagious and in time became the dominant c...
Every relationship needs an infusion of tender effort, thought and concern.
Unconditional love begins at home, and from there it spreads to the entire world.
Cure hatred without reason. Do kindness beyond reason.
Creating LOVE and making it last
Where there is love, there is trust. G-d is love.
I Give, Therefore I Love
There are few experiences in life as powerful and transformative as love. And yet, there are few words as hard to define. Contemporary Western culture is obsessed with love, particularly romantic love. Movies, books, songs, advice columns, talk shows, tab...
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