
Peoples, Nationalities & Cultures

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Kabbalah facts and fantasies
I have always felt that the essence of spirituality is that, underneath it all, we are all one. Isn't it absurd to characterize a soul as "Jewish"? Why put souls in boxes?
Chief Rabbi of Safed declares Kabbalah study by non-Jews a positive development.
Chief Rabbi of Safed declares Kabbalah study by non-Jews a positive development.
Some folks think of people much as we think of cars on a highway: each with its own origin and destination, relating to one other only to negotiate lane changes and left-hand turns. But people are not cars.
What one seeks in This World directs the path of his soul as it ascends the spiritual realms.
What one seeks in This World directs the path of his soul as it ascends the spiritual realms.
Chapter Two, Part 1
Each place has its unique spiritual character, as do those fit to dwell there.
Chapter Two, Part 3
Of the ten attributes of defilement, the Jews were only able to vanquish the lower seven.
The study of Kabbala affects our relationship with the nations
The study of Kabbala affects our relationship with the nations
Chapter Two, Part 2
Each Canaanite nation conquered represents an evil force rectified.
Nemesis of G‑dliness
Amalek is the psychic and cosmic nemesis of all that is pure and G‑dly in man and in creation. How is he overcome? The key lies in a single word: “Remember.”
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