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HaVaYaH: (lit. “being”); the Tetragrammaton, G d’s Divine Name of the four Hebrew letters yud-hei-vav-hei, expressing His transcendence of time and space
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HaVaYaH (62)
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This name possesses a power that can be easily misappropriated.
Why does a One G‑d need more than one name?
My grandfather always gave beggars a coin, and taught me that it is better to give before you are asked. I am now realizing that many of his sayings were actually based on Jewish wisdom, and am researching the sources. Is there something about giving with...
I noticed on Friday night at the meal that before you blessed the Challah, you made a small cut in one of the loaves. What is the meaning of this custom?
I was reading up about Rabbi Yisrael Baal Shem Tov, the founder of the Chassidic movement. It seems there were other rabbis called “Baal Shem.” But he was the only one called “Baal Shem Tov.” What is the distinction, and what does it even mean? Reply Let’...
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