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HaVaYaH: (lit. “being”); the Tetragrammaton, G d’s Divine Name of the four Hebrew letters yud-hei-vav-hei, expressing His transcendence of time and space
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Three layers of meaning in “G-d is one”
A deeper look at the meaning of Judaism's ultimate declaration of faith “Hear O’ Israel…G-d is one”. Chassidus unlocks three levels and layers of meaning in the phrase ‘G-d is one’, which evokes the four-letter name of G-d ‘HaVaYaH’ (Tetragrammaton) (Base...
Letters and Numbers of Torah - Beshalach
After fighting a war with the nation of Amalek, Moses says (Exodus 17:16) “There is a hand on the throne of G-d [swearing] that there shall be a war of G-d against Amalek from generation to generation.” In this verse, G-d's four-letter name is missing the...
What's the yearning all about?
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G-d's names are expressions of one single Entity, reflecting Him and how He interacts with the reality He creates.
G-d tells Moses that he didn’t reveal the special divine name of the Tetragrammaton to the forefathers. Discover the inner meaning of the hidden and revealed names.
Exploring Rashi’s commentary on saying G-d’s name
When G-d enlists Moshe to redeem the Jews from Egypt, Moshe wants to know which Divine name he should share with the Children of Israel. Rashi sees a profound lesson in that question. (Exodus 3:13-15)
A chassidic teaching for the tenth of Shevat
A powerful excerpt of the Rebbe’s classic ‘Yud Shevat’ maamar (a chassidic mystical discourse) of 1957 (titled Basi LeGani 5717) in honor of the upcoming 67th anniversary of the passing of the Sixth Rebbe and, thereafter our Rebbe accepting the mantle of ...
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