
Chinuch, The Mitzvah of

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Chinuch, The Mitzvah of: The obligation to teach one's child Torah and mitzvah observance.
Jewish education (חִנּוּךְ, "chinuch," in Hebrew) has sustained the Jewish people even before we became a people. According to tradition, Jacob had his son Judah found an academy of Torah learning even before he and his descendants moved to Egypt. “And yo...
How It Came About and What It Is Meant to Be
Jewish education, when done by the book, is not quite what you would have expected. Keep in mind that we’re talking about Judaism’s most vital institution. Jews make major decisions in their lives (like where they are going to live and how much they need ...
Made to Measure
Many school systems today function like factories, with standardized curricula that act as an assembly line for every student. This industrialized approach to education does not take into account the individual learning styles or interests of each student...
As Learned from the Hebrew Word, “Chinuch”
Dear Readers, Have you ever had a beloved educator? Educators aren’t just teachers in a school setting. Life’s experience can often be the best classroom. Anyone who has an influence on someone’s life plays a role in education. We’ve all had educators who...
Parshat Vayeishev
Lessons from the Torah regarding proper childrearing and education.
Letter No. 153:
This letter was addressed to Rabbi Dr. Eli Jung, a prominent Rav and educator in New York. B”H, Thursday, 3 Iyar, 5704, Brooklyn, N.Y. Greetings and blessings, As per your request, we have sent you in a special package, Sifreinu, Vols. I and V, and also s...
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