
Struggle, Challenge & Adversity

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Effort (60)
The “bad” parent is not the one whose child ends up doing the wrong thing. The “bad” parent is the one who doesn’t intervene, react, and try to change the situation once it happens...
What’s really hiding under the ugly face of darkness?
There’s only one way to transform the ugliest, nastiest, darkest gunk of this world: by letting it make you stronger. That’s when you’ve ripped off its mask . . .
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Tetzaveh Parshah Report
Find out why Jono is trying to get persecuted in this week’s Parshah Report.
Difficult doesn’t mean bad, opposition isn’t the enemy, and challenge is more often than not the best that could happen to you.
If you had made yourself you would be toast. But you didn't.
When your life depends upon it, there is only one you.
Dina Hurwitz shares the story of her life with her husband, the beloved Rabbi Yitzi, who was diagnosed with ALS as he turned 40 years old. This talk was filmed at a women’s event hosted by Chabad of Talbiya and Chabad of Baka in Jerusalem, Israel (2019).
Discover profound mystical insights into overcoming our personal challenges and limitations.
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