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Cholent: (possibly derivative of the French 'chaude-lent' hot-slow); casserole-like dish prepared before the start of Shabbat and kept warm, usually for Shabbat lunch, developed to avoid the prohibitions against cooking on Shabbat
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Cholent (16)
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Hands down, it’s the long-simmering stew of Shabbat morning that is its signature staple. A surprisingly strong statement from a 12th-century luminary – incorporated into the menu of the Shulchan Aruch, Judaism’s proverbial “Set Table” of Torah Law – give...
Ingredients 1 cup kidney beans 1 cup navy beans 1 cup pinto beans ½ cup baby lima ½ cup barley 2 meat bones 2 pounds of meat 3 small onions cubed 5 cloves garlic peeled 2 tablespoons salt 1 teaspoon pepper ¼ cup ketchup or tomato cubed 1 bunch cilantro 8 ...
Warming Challah on Shabbat
In this class we look at some practical applications related to the rabbinic injunction of ‘chazarah’—returning a pot to the fire on Shabbat. Learn for example how it would be permitted to warm up a challah on Shabbat or to add hot water to a pot of chole...
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