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On the magnificence and agonizing beauty of the Jewish heritage of freedom
How I Received a Rich, Beautiful and Cognitively Disruptive Heritage “And when Moses took us out from Egypt,” she continued, “he told us to ask the Egyptians for their silver and gold.” I was sitting on the lap of my dear Iraqi grandmother as she pointed ...
On whose initiative were the spies sent? The way the story is told in Numbers 13, it was by divine command. But when Moses recounts these events 40 years later, he tells the people of Israel that it was their idea. The contradiction describes a watershed ...
Torah's Paradigm of Freedom
Asher Crispe looks for a sort of Torah's "Bill of Rights," that is, the different freedoms and liberties granted to us in the Torah and how each corresponds to another of the Ten Sefirot.
Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson's Vision of Modern Progress as Religious Opportunity
Given the chalanges posed by emancipation and the modern age of multicultural universalism, does Jewish identity have a future?
We are both slave and slavemaster simultaneously, where our inability to attain freedom is coming from within...
The Burden of Freedom What does freedom mean to you? Thousands of people dream every day of wealth, fame and freedom from life’s drudgery. They are tired of poverty and penny counting, tired of overworking and constantly answering to employers. They want ...
On a simple, rational level, celebrating freedom during a time of enslavement (enslavement being a gross understatement) makes no sense whatsoever. To understand this, one must throw logic out the window and realize that something much deeper and more pro...
In these four words lies the difference between the American Revolution, which made the country the beacon of freedom and liberty until this very day, and other revolutions crying the same cry of "all men are created equal," which did not last.
Bombarded from every direction, we can hardly help but respond. We try harder, run faster and work longer, racing at breakneck speed like mad hamsters on a wheel. No one expects to keep running forever. We all intend to stop—just as soon as we get where w...
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