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The three garments of the soul, the High Priest's eight vestments, a philosopher's skullcap, a soldier's boots, the Chassid's long black coat, Jacob's historic disguise...
The secret glory of the King’s daughter
Soon the advice vultures descended. “Try holding your breath.” “Try standing up straighter.” “Maybe with a girdle.” “Maybe with a shawl.” I couldn’t believe it. Here was a gorgeous woman, and all anyone could see was what was wrong with her . . .
Shatnez, modesty, crossdressing, and the time of year you may purchase clothing.
Life really is all about shopping
Your soul came into this world to shop. Heaven is one big party, and you’d better arrive dressed in style. Don’t take my word on this. Take the Mishnah. It compares our world to a kind of powder room, where you fancy yourself up before walking into the gr...
Starting Your Day Workshop
Jewish law even gives guidance as to how we should get dressed in the morning.
Based on Zohar Shelach 169b
When Esther entered and Ahasuerus saw her light, she seemed to him like an angel of G-d.
The clothes we wear are no more than an external facade, and the way you look today will not be the way you look in a few years from now. Fashions come and go. Make sure you don’t go out with the latest fashion . . .
Parshat Tetzaveh
The priests were required to wear special clothing when performing their service in the Holy Temple. Similarly, the Torah scholars of ancient Babylonia would dress impressively, so as to encourage people to honor the Torah that they represented . . .
Question: I'm studying to teach my children about the bible and creation but I can't seem to get past Genesis 2! In Genesis 2 it says that Adam and Eve were both originally naked, "but they were not ashamed." After they ate of the Tree of Knowledge, we ar...
Self-Identity: Who is the real “I”?
A fascinating lecture that probes the human psyche and its inner struggles.
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