
World War I

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The 9th of Av, Tisha b'Av, commemorates a list of catastrophes so severe it's clearly a day set aside by G‑d for suffering. Another confirmation of our deeply held conviction that history isn't haphazard.
The First World War sent floods of refugees streaming into the interior of Russia. Many arrived in Yekatrinoslav, where, in addition to severe shortages of food, shelter and other basic necessities, they had to contend with the hostility of the local auth...
Rabbi Shalom DovBer of Lubavitch and the Russian Revolution
In the face of tyranny and upheaval, Judaism’s future always remained the Rebbe's foremost concern.
Jews close to the war front were forced to flee eastward, and the Rebbe’s hometown, Yekaterinoslav, received a large influx of refugees.
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