
Yifrach BeYamav

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This song was introduced at a farbrengen on 11 Nissan, 5733, commemorating the 71st birthday of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. It is set to words of Psalms: "May the Tzaddik blossom and flourish in his time, and may there be an abundance of peace."
Yifrach Biyamav Tzaddik Verov Shalom Ad Beli Yare'ach Viyayrd Miyam Ad Yam U'minahar Ad Afsei Aretz Lefanav Yichre'u Tzi'im Ve'ovov Afar Yelacheichu. May the Tzadik blossom and flourish in his time, And may there be an abundance of peace So long as the mo...
Farbrengen, 19 Kislev, 5743 · December 5, 1982
“In his days may the righteous flourish, with much peace until the moon is no more.” (Psalms 72:7) Chassidim sing a niggun composed for the Rebbe’s seventy-first birthday.
Yifrach B’Yamav Tzaddik
Chasidim sing the lively niggun, Yifrach Beyamav, during a Purim farbrengen.
19 Kislev, 5741 • November 27, 1980
“In his days may the righteous flourish, with much peace until the moon is no more.” (Psalms 72:7) Chassidim sing a Niggun composed for the Rebbe’s 71st birthday.
Chassidim sing a lively Nigun at a farbrengen on 12 Tammuz in 1973. This Nigun was introduced at the farbrengen on Nissan 11, 5733, commemorating the 71st birthday of the Rebbe.
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