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Abraham: (a) (1813-1638 BCE) The first of the three Patriarchs; the first Jew. He discovered G-d on his own and rejected the idolatry of his contemporaries. G-d commanded him to travel from his Mesopotamian homeland to Canaan, where He bequeathed the land to his descendants in the Covenant between the Parts. He successfully withstood ten tests with which G-d challenged him, including the Binding of Isaac incident. Husband of Sarah and Hagar, father of Ishmael and Isaac--his heir. (b) A common Jewish name.
Before Abimelech’s household was cured, G-d remembered Sarah and she conceived with Isaac. From this our sages deduced that those who pray on behalf of others, and are themselves of similar need, are answered first...
Speaking of sacrifice, I had a frightening epiphany one day last month. I used to think of myself as an altruistic person, but a little objective reflection forced me to conclude that that wasn't the case at all...
Abraham planted something in the desert. What he planted is subject to debate, but the lesson we learn is not...
Abraham did it before there was a name for it: the pioneer of pioneering
The “binding of Isaac” has come to represent the ultimate in the Jew’s devotion to G‑d. But every nation and cause has its martyrs. Is there anything truly unique about Abraham’s deed, or about the Jew’s readiness to sacrifice himself for his Creator?
G-d unleashes his wrath on the city of Sodom, but before G-d carries out his plan, Abraham does a most remarkable thing. He attempts to nullify G-d’s decree: “Abraham came forward and said, ‘Will You sweep away the innocent along with the guilty?’”
Years ago I came across a one-liner that had a profound impact on me personally: “Every rabbi has only one sermon—the way he lives his life.” It’s all too true . . .
No longer will it suffice for Abraham to be a spiritual person. From now on, Abraham's task will be to connect the spiritual with the physical.
Why was Abraham continuously tested?
Bringing people into our space can be quite exposing and maybe even embarrassing, but it is one of the greatest forms of kindness and the epitome of sharing our bounty.
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