
Nigun Hishtatchus of the Tzemach Tzedek

Knowledge Base » Torah, The » Kabbalah & Chassidism; Mysticism » Chassidism » Nigun, The » Nigun Hishtatchus of the Tzemach Tzedek
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The Tzemach Tzedek’s musical legacy spans the spectrum of human emotion and experience
In Chabad, one of the most climactic moments of festivals and other special dates is when a specific series of melodies (a ‘seder nigunim’) is sung, each associated with one of the successive leaders of the movement. Each Rebbe had a distinct personality,...
Dovid Louis and the 1973 Chabad Symphonic Experience
This chassidic melody is attributed to the Tzemech Tzedek, which he would sing when visiting the gravesite of his mother Rebbetzin Devorah Leah.
Heichal Neginah
This ‘nigun dveikus’ is attribute to the Tzemech Tzedek, which he would sing when visiting the resting placing of his saintly mother Rebbetzin Devorah Leah.
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