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From the holidays into the everyday
On Sukkot, pilgrims travelled from all over the land of Israel to visit the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. In order not to inconvenience the traveler who lived furthest from the Holy City as he trekked home, the prayer for rain is delayed for 15 days, until th...
In the Land of Israel, prayers for rain (i.e., adding the words v'ten tal u'matar to the appropriate blessing in the Amidah prayer) commence on Cheshvan 7 (see "Today in Jewish History" above). Outside of the Holy Land, the prayer for rain is recited begi...
2nd Temple Era
During the Second Temple Era (circa 230 BCE), Cheshvan 7 was the date on which the Jew most distant from the Holy Temple -- who resided on the banks of the Euphrates River, a 15-day journey's distance from Jerusalem -- arrived at his homestead upon return...
Where is the world’s most ordinary place? A fifteen days’ journey from Jerusalem, in a field on the banks of the Euphrates.
In Temple times, the seventh day of the month of Cheshvan meant that the festivals of the month of Tishrei were well and truly behind us. It was the date that the last of the pilgrims would return home from Jerusalem.
Learning Likutei Sichos vol. 20, Lech-Lecha - Cheshvan 7
The seventh of Cheshvan marks when the last Jew returned home after visiting Jerusalem for the holidays. It always coincides with the parsha of Lech-Lecha when Avraham went to the Land of Israel. How do these two themes fit together?
The seventh day of the Jewish month of MarCheshvan, Zayin MarCheshvan, always falls in the week that follows the Shabbos whose Torah portion is Noach. As known, the days of the week are connected to the Shabbos that precedes them, that Shabbos being the s...
In Temple times, Jews from far and wide would make the annual pilgrimage to Jerusalem to celebrate the festival of Sukkos. The last of them would return home some two weeks after the festival on the seventh of Cheshvan, and the prayer for rain was delayed...
לאחר תפילת ערבית
בס"ד. שיחת מוצאי יום ד' פ' לך לך, ח' מר-חשון ה'תשנ"ב. – לאחרי תפלת ערבית – בלתי מוגה א. נוסף לכך שבכל זמן ישנו הכלל ד"פותחין בברכה" ראה הנסמן בלקו"ש חכ"ד ע' 641 בהערה ד"ה פותחין בברכה. – ישנה הדגשה מיוחדת על ענין הברכה בפרשת היום בתורה: בסיום וחותם חלק הפ...
בלתי מוגה
בס"ד. שיחת אור ליום ד', מוצאי ז' מרחשון, ה'תשכ"ב. – לעסקני ישיבות תומכי תמימים ליובאוויטש, בחדרו הק' – בלתי מוגה א. [ברצוני לפתוח בהקדמה קצרה, ושלא כרגיל, אתחיל בסיפור שאירע בעבר:] בנוגע לז' חשון מסופר בגמרא שיום זה הי' בעל משמעות מיוחדת בארץ ישראל: בהימי...
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