
Dwelling for G-d in the Physical World, A

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Dwelling for G-d in the Physical World, A: "a dwelling in the lowly realms": the concept taught by Chassidut that G-d desired to create a reality that is "lowly" and obscuring of His truth, in order that it be made into a "home" for Him-an environment that is hospitable to, subservient to, and expressive of His manifest presence
In this week’s parsha, Vayakhel, we read about the participation of all the Jewish people, men and women, in donating to and construction of the Mishkan, the Tabernacle. After the sin of the Golden Calf, G‑d’s presence left the Jewish camp. The Mishkan wa...
We are here for a reason: to fashion this world into a dwelling place for G‑d.
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