Torah Books Campaign, The Rebbe'sKnowledge Base » Torah, The » Mitzvah; Mitzvot » Mitzvah Campaign, The Rebbe's » Torah Books Campaign, The Rebbe's
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The Jewish people may be called the People of the Book; but why do Jewish homes have so many Torah books? And what makes a book a holy Sefer?
A Home Full of Sefarim
One of the Rebbe’s special mitzvah campaigns was for every Jewish home to be “filled” with holy Torah books. Discover the immense significance and transformative capacity to this seemingly unconventional campaign.
Create an environment
Your home is also defined by its contents. Aside from those who live there, the most significant items are the Torah books lining the shelves and scattered about.
As our Sages teach, a beautiful home is important. But what brings out the true beauty of one’s home are the beautiful Mitzvos and holy books found within.
On the holiday of Jewish books, turning a Jewish house into a Jewish home
Every year, Hei Tevet, the fifth day of the Hebrew month of Tevet, is celebrated around the world as a “festival of the books.” On this day, countless men, women and children rededicate themselves to the study of Torah and the pursuit of Jewish knowledge ...
To produce a wunderkind, mothers and fathers will put themselves and their child through a rigorous schedule of classes, concerts, museum visits . . . But parenting is as much about who you are as about what you do.
A house full of Torah books
Ever consider inviting Moses, King David, and the sages and prophets of the Great Assembly to come live in your house? And maybe Rabbi Akiva, Maimonides and the Baal Shem Tov while you’re at it?
Learning Likutei Sichos vol. 23, Shavuos (sicha 1)
Why don't we all write our own Torah scrolls as mandated by the Torah?
The sages relate that on the day of the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai, the people slept in. The Midrash recounts that Moses had to wake them—causing G‑d to later lament, “Why have I come and no one is here to receive Me?” In order to rectify our ance...
The Torah as a self-help book
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