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Abuse (51)
Ambition (32)
Anger (115)
Apathy (24)
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Blame (11)
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Chutzpah (9)
Courage (47)
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Envy (18)
Excuses (15)
Faith (410)
Fear; Awe (46)
Guilt (36)
Hate (17)
Heroism (10)
Honesty (48)
Hope (25)
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Hypocrisy (27)
Idealism (2)
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Patience (2)
Pride (32)
Racism (5)
Regret (15)
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The stress of the morning reached its crescendo, and I proceeded to lay down my royal flush of emotional cards in my epic battle to win the "blame game" with my husband...
I wanted to be free of the thoughts that kept me in bondage, but I didn't know how to let go. I couldn't talk about it. I was so ashamed...it was my fault Mama passed...
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