
Concepts in Chassidic Philosophy

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Your GPS may be useful, but it's not always too smart. Your body is much the same. For the smoothest journey through life, try a sweet combination of body and mind.
To become a bigger something, you gotta be a nothing in between.
To become a bigger something, you gotta be a nothing in between.
In the face of all our many imperfections, what does it mean to hope for - and attain - redemption? In this last installment of “Love. Joy. Truth.” join us as we explore the utility of failure, and the meaning of redemption.
Contemporary, spiritually seeking Jews are often drawn to Hinduism and Buddhism, attracted by teachings that espouse oneness and transcendence. This class explores the origins and differences between Judaism and Eastern faiths. The results are revelations...
Traditionally the mystical quest has focused on ascent from the world and supernal union (Devekut) with G-d. In Chabad, however, the focus is shifted to the attainment of self-effacement (Bittul).
The Twelve Steps: Lesson 11, "VeZeh"
After delineating our extraordinary Jewish privilege, power and potential, we were shown how the world is ripe with holy possibilities – awaiting actualization through our efforts. But what if I'm prepared to serve G-d personally, but prefer to opt out of...
A mystical reading of three daily blessings, reversing their negative connotation
A critique of the three negative blessings, "that I was not made a woman... a slave... a non-Jew," gives way to a mystical teaching on three modes of soulful expression, and ultimately to a reminder that the soul's essence lies beyond all expression.
The philosophy of G-d’s oneness (Tanya Ch. 20-21)
Parsha Pinchas: Dividing the Land of Israel
Three components were involved in dividing the land of Israel amongst the tribes: evaluation, lottery and inheritance. This class will explore the spiritual significance of these factors and how they reflect three dimensions in our relationship with G-d. ...
A Journey Through Tanya, Lesson 4
We are introduced to a novel definition of the levels of tzaddik and rasha in Tanya, which is worlds apart and far more complex than simply describing someone as either righteous or wicked. (covering chapters 9-11)
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