
Jacob Meeting Esau

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The Kabbalists see Esau and Jacob as the embodiments of the primordial world of Tohu (“Chaos”) and our present reality-process of Tikkun (“correction”)
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How Jacob prepared for a potentially deadly confrontation with his murderous brother, Esau. Discover the Torah’s “rules of engagement” in a time when we’re forced to wage war rather than make peace.
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How Jacob flattered his brother Easu to avoid a possible war.
An inspiring, transformational antidote to anger.
An inspiring, transformational antidote to anger.
Esau is born red and as hairy as an adult, and so he remains—red, intense, driven, violent. Jacob is born with his issues as well. Timid, a bookworm, Mama’s boy. Yet he is willing to acknowledge and confront Esau...
Why does success evoke arrogance in some and humility in others?
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Parshat Vayishlach
A man with tens of millions, the owner of several homes around the world and a private jet, related wistfully of a colleague who built his own landing strip...
Where Abraham, Isaac and Jacob failed, a young girl could have succeeded
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