Mushky Yiftach |
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Mushky Yiftach-Avtzon holds a Master’s in education, is the program coordinator at Chabad of Marina Del Rey, CA and founder of On A Roll Crafts. Combining her love for children, Jewish outreach and crafts, Mushky has taken her duct tape art to entertain and inspire children at over 200 Jewish centers.
For more about her crafts visit her website: onarollcrafts.com.
Make a beautiful cover out of duct tape for your machzor (High Holidays prayerbook).
Make a woven basket out of duct tape to use for your Purim mishloach manot.
A beautiful craft for your Chanukah gelt
Learn how to turn a roll of duct tape into a beautiful purse to hold your Chanukah gelt and other money.
Learn how to turn a roll of duct tape into a beautiful rose for the holiday of Shavuot.
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