
Prophets (Section of the Tanach)

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Prophets (Section of the Tanach): Nevi’im (lit. Prophets) is the second section of the Bible (Tanach)—the Written Torah.
Scroll Down - Part 2
Given the incomparable significance of the Torah, what is the function of prophecy and of the prophetic books, the Neviim (“Prophets”) and Ketuvim (“Hagiographa”), composed after the Torah was given at Sinai? And why did the era of prophecy end?
A biblical history of the Jews
After the passing of Joshua, the Jewish people were led by a series of “shoftim” (literally, “judges”). The book of Judges chronicles the events that transpired during their leadership. Major events in this period of history include Ehud’s assassination o...
A biblical history of the Jews
The first in a series on biblical Jewish history, this class details major events in the period of time after Moses’ passing, when the Jewish people are led by Moses’ successor, Joshua. Topics include: The transfer of leadership from Moses to Joshua, the ...
Trilogy of Tribulations - Part II
In the second haftorah of the “Trilogy of Tribulations” we learn how the prophet Jeremiah’s rebuke of his contemporaries can teach us today how to turn criticism into a powerful catalyst for change.
Trilogy of Tribulations - Part I
In the first of the “Trilogy of Tribulations,” Jeremiah describes his inauguration as prophet. Although his first prophecy is one of impending doom, it contains within it a hidden message about the power to transform mourning into joy.
The Inside Story
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