
R. Chaim of Volozhin

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What do you think is the most significant verse in the entire Torah? You will be really surprised to hear the answer. This week we have a powerful relevant lesson and a great story of the incredible philanthropist Baruch from Minsk!
There are two ways to use energy either by harnessing it or by unleashing it. Which one is greater?
Chassidic and Mitnagdic Perspectives on Torah as a Path to G-d
The legal aspect of the Torah has been described by Kabbalists as concealing a deeper, more mystical dimension. But Mitnagdic and Chassidic thinkers both argued—in similar but different ways—that study of legal topics “for its own sake” could itself embod...
Good question. There is a mitzvah in the Torah for a kohen to bless the Jewish people every day with upraised hands. This is called Birkat Kohanim (“Blessing of the Priests”) or Nesiat Kapaim (“Raising the Palms”). This mitzvah is not restricted to Temple...
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