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A Story of Oneness By Dispersion
Exile and dispersion produced a miracle. It brought out an organic, irreducible oneness of our people that could not otherwise be imagined.
The land of Israel is connected to the Jew in a very deep and powerful way. Discover how the sanctity of Israel can be felt in our home even for Jews in the Diaspora.
At times, the Jews in Israel are one portion ahead of the Jews in the rest of the world. How does this happen?
Is the Yom Tov Sheini an anachronism?
Question: I understand that in ancient times the rabbis decreed that Jews in the Diaspora should celebrate holidays for two days, because of some confusion about the correct day to celebrate. Nowadays, however, we have a fixed calendar, so why do we still...
One of the obvious elements of the Prime Minister's visit is that it has demonstrated once again how vitally important it is for our people in the Holy Land to have strong and viable Jewish communities in the outside world.
By the Grace of G‑d 21st of Shevat, 5746January 31, 1986. Brooklyn, N.Y. Prof. Dr. Zeev Greene 2722 Vale Crest Minneapolis, Min. 55422 Greeting and Blessing: For various reasons, including an accumulation of correspondence in connection with Yud-Shevat, e...
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