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Rabbi Heshy and Chani Wolf establish Chabad in Fairbanks
Out of the 5,000 Chabad-Lubavitch emissary couples already serving throughout the world, Rabbi Heshy and Chani Wolf have assumed the title of the northernmost emissaries: Last month they officially established the new Chabad center in Fairbanks, Alaska. T...
A true story of a rabbi visiting amongst Eskimos in search of Jews and the incredible way a young girl discovers how her lighting Shabbat candles is so special. (This clip is from the Pre-Shabbat Party program by Friendship Circle)
Alaska museum turns its attention to the state's early Jewish settlers
Summer means a few things in Alaska: the earth peeks out beneath the snow, the days become extremely long, and cruise ship after cruise ship arrives with tourists from around the world for seasonal, historical and nature-related trips. For many visitors, ...
“Much success to you and your husband in working together to spread Judaism in Alaska. Don’t grow accustomed to any spiritual ‘coldness’ up there. On the contrary, warm it up!”
By the Grace of G‑d Rosh Chodesh Sivan, 5734 [May 22, 1974] Brooklyn, N.Y. Chaplain Israel Heber Elmendorf Air Force Base Alaska Due to a very crowded schedule, this is my first opportunity of congratulating you on your extraordinary Zechus of initiating ...
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