Yitzchok Moully |
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Raised by former hippies, Yitzchok Moully was exposed to far more color than one would expect in the rigorously orthodox Chassidic community.
Moully’s art contrasts strong Judaic and Chassidic images with vibrant bold colors to create a startling combination which he describes as “Chassidic Pop Art”.
Moully’s art reveals that the essence of Chassidic thought is far from black and white.
Moully is the Youth Rabbi at the Chabad Jewish Center in Basking Ridge NJ, where he resides together with his wife Batsheva and five children, a Rabbi by day and an artist by night.
Airs Live March 31 at 3:30PM ET / 12:30PM PT
Taking Time During Quarantine to Recognize the Blessings We Have
The dancing that had previously felt like a dishonor to the grief and sorrow now took its place in juxtaposition to the celebration. With unbelievable inner strength, he had carved out a space in his heart for both emotions to rest.
Tree of Life. Pittsburgh, PA. 2018
I don’t claim to understand G‑d and His ways, but if I had to imagine how things look in heaven, they might look something like this.
This day marks the “birth” of Chassidism, when the long-hidden secrets of Judaism emerged from the womb of mysticism to illuminate and transform the totality of Jewish life.
Artist’s Statement: In the wake of the terror in Paris, we are a light unto the nations as much as we are a light unto the wolves. There are truly evil forces out to destroy us, and western civilization. Yet this is not the first time we have been here. A...
Artist’s Statement: Channeling the energy of the shofar, The blast of the shofar should fill our lives with blessings–in full color.
How Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi discovered a new way to serve G-d
A teaching about the dream of Joseph, invoking the Kabbalistic narrative of the shattered vessels, and using gender to recast the tzaddik's role in the universal hierarchy of the cosmos—with which R. Schneur Zalman’s chassidic path began.
Artist’s Statement: Returning to a classic of mine, Chassidim dancing, with a soulful flair.
Artist’s Statement: A light unto the nations. Depicting the impact the menorah has on its surroundings. The menorah spreads the message of light and religious freedom to the White House and beyond.
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