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Zimun (36)
Contemporary Halachah and Kitzur Shulchan Aruch
This class discusses various laws associated with reciting the Grace After Meals as a group of three or more, which is called a zimun (literally, it’s an invitation for others to join in the blessing).
Contemporary Halachah and Kitzur Shulchan Aruch
Using Undiluted Wine
What blessing is made over extremely strong undiluted wine? May food be used for non-consumption or is there issue of disrespect or even wasting?
The Cup of Blessing
We conclude this chapter of Talmud with a discussion of the requirements for the "kos shel brachah" (lit. "cup of blessing") over which the Grace After Meals is recited.
The "Isparagus" Remedy
Among other topics discussed now by the Talmud, the sages debate about the proper use of a natural elixir known as "Isparagus" -- a wine-based drink with medicinal properties.
Don't Play With Your Food
The Talmud now discusses a side point: the respect due to food items. What is considered respectful and disrespectful treatment of food?
Separate Meals, One Zimun
What happens if three different people who ate alone in three different rooms want to later come together to make one group recitation of the Grace After Meals?
Don't Split Up the Group
In this class, we begin a new Mishnah, the discussion of which centers around the idea that when individuals convene for a meal, they may not go their own ways without joining for the group recitation of the Grace After Meals.
Text of the Zimun
What wording should be used when inviting others to join the group recitation of the Grace After Meals?
10,000 Who Eat Together
In this class, we begin a new Mishnah, the discussion of which centers around the differences in the group recitation of Grace After Meals depending on whether 3, 10, 100, 1000, or 10,000 people have partaken of the meal.
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