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By the Grace of G‑d, 16 Iyar 5711 [May 22, 1951] Brooklyn, N.Y. Blessing and Greetings I was pleased with the opportunity to exchange a few words with you. As you connected your visit with the day of Pesach-Sheni which we observed on the day before yester...
Upon losing someone near and dear, there will often be moments when the grief will seem too much to bear.
By the Grace of G‑d 5729 Brooklyn, N.Y. Blessing and Greeting: I am in receipt of your letter, as well as of your previous correspondence. I carefully noted the contents of your letter, in which you describe the vicissitudes of your life, etc. I trust tha...
For the first time since his mission began, he could see defeat staring him in the face.
Following a suicide, everyone is looking for a reason, an excuse. Everyone wants to find something or someone to blame. Because when we have a label, it makes it so much easier to separate it from our lives or our responsibility...
In their troubled state of mind they abandoned hope for redemption.
In their troubled state of mind they abandoned hope for redemption.
It is a great wonder that a Jew could be in such a mood because any person, and especially a Jewish person, is not allowed to despair
A Journey from Grief
How can a mother, a family, continue living after such a tragic event?
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