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Gittin: Tractate of the Talmud that discusses the laws of the get, the biblically mandated bill of divorce
Click here for the original text of the Talmud. The tractate of Gittin discusses the laws of the get, the biblically mandated bill of divorce. The final Mishnah of the tractate discusses acts or behaviors that constitute grounds for divorce. The Tractate ...
Tractate Gittin
Click here for the original text of the Talmud. The tractate of Gittin discusses the laws of the get, the biblically mandated bill of divorce. The final Mishnah of the tractate discusses acts or behaviors that constitute grounds for divorce. The Tractate ...
Discovering Talmudic Principles
This Talmud course will be exploring and analyzing the fourth chapter of tractate Gitin, focusing on the principles of the Shemitah year, cancelations of debts and the procedure of the Pruzbul.
Tractate Gittin
Click here for the original text of the Talmud. The tractate of Gittin discusses the laws of the get, the biblically mandated bill of divorce. The final Mishnah of the tractate discusses acts or behaviors that constitute grounds for divorce. The Tractate ...
and with her garment open from both sides, and bathing with men, and ignores it. The Gemara asks: Can it enter your mind that the baraita is referring to a wife who bathes with men? Even a man of the lowest moral character would not allow his wife to act ...
And the halakha is that she is permitted to both of them. MISHNA: Beit Shammai say: A man may not divorce his wife unless he finds out about her having engaged in a matter of forbidden sexual intercourse [devar erva], i.e., she committed adultery or is su...
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