Zevachim |
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Zevachim: The first tractate in the Order of Kodashim. The entire order deals with the sacrificial service in the Holy Temple. Tractate Zevachim focuses specifically on the various types of animal offerings
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Click here for the original text of the Talmud. Zevachim is the first tractate in the Order of Kodashim. The entire order deals with the sacrificial service in the Holy Temple. Tractate Zevachim focuses specifically on the various types of animal offering...
Tractate Zevachim
Zevachim is the first tractate in the Order of Kodashim. The entire order deals with the sacrificial service in the Holy Temple. Tractate Zevachim focuses specifically on the various types of animal offerings. At the end of the tractate, the Talmud is dis...
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