
Chalav Yisrael

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Chalav Yisrael: (lit., "Jewish milk"); a Torah-observant Jew must be present throughout the production of milk products, from milking through processing, to ensure that only milk from kosher animals is used
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In addition to the basic kosher laws (such as the kosher species of meat and fish, and the separation of meat and dairy), there are several other kosher considerations. Here are some of them . . .
In order for ice cream to be accepted as kosher, it needs to be marked so by a reliable certifying agency.
Only cheese with a reliable kosher certification may be eaten.
Only feta cheese with a reliable kosher certification may be eaten.
Only cream cheese with a reliable kosher certification may be eaten.
Only butter with a reliable kosher certification may be eaten.
Only yogurt with a reliable kosher certification may be eaten.
My kids also enjoy milk in their cereal (and out of their cereal, it seems). But they have choices.
An area of kashrut that is said to have profound spiritual affects
Yosef Shandling reconnected to his Jewish roots as a senior in college. In 1970, as a student in Yeshiva Hadar Hatorah in Brooklyn, New York, he had an audience with the Rebbe.
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