
Zealotry; Extremism

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Abuse (51)
Ambition (32)
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Chutzpah (9)
Courage (47)
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Excuses (15)
Faith (410)
Fear; Awe (46)
Guilt (36)
Hate (17)
Heroism (10)
Honesty (48)
Hope (25)
Humility (142)
Hypocrisy (27)
Idealism (2)
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Jealousy (25)
Laziness (3)
Love (199)
Patience (2)
Pride (32)
Racism (5)
Regret (15)
Sincerity (10)
Trauma (6)
Trust (26)
Violence (30)
Waiting (9)
Pinchas' deed evokes many associations -- courage, decisiveness and religious passion are several that come to mind -- but peace hardly seems one of them. Pinchas, after all, killed two people. So why does the Torah describe him as a man of peace? To unde...
Pinchas steps forward with a spear, apparently breaking the Jewish rules of careful trial, evidence and judgment... What contemporary lesson does his deed hold for us?
What would arouse your righteous indignation? What would it take to galvanize you into action in defense of what you consider sacred and inviolate? Is there something that would incense you? Anything?
The extremist makes us feel uncomfortable, because he makes hypocrites of us all: if we all acted on what we believed in, we'd all be extremists...
I was feeling quite satisfied over how I had handled the situation, when I discovered The Three Fundamental Rules on How To Take The Law Into Your Own Hands. That nipped my career as an outlaw in the bud. Though it was fun while it lasted.
Pinchas took action. He was a strong man, a zealot. But does that action express the virtue of peace? Yet G‑d says that in reward for his action "I give him My covenant of Peace."
On what basis did Pinchas kill the offenders?
(When Pinchas is read before the Three Weeks, this haftarah is read. When it falls in the Three Weeks, we read the haftarah for Matot.) The haftarah I Kings 18:46-19:21. for Pinchas is from the book of Melachim Aleph (I Kings). It comes right after Eliyah...
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