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It is so easy to want to throw out anything that was ever associated with him. To burn it and leave nothing left. But I can’t. You see, so much of who I am is because of him...
An Abuse Survivor Shares Inspiration
An interview with Rabbi Avremi Zippel and his mother, Rebbetzin Sharonne Zippel by Chana Weisberg. Rabbi Avremi is an abuse survivor and tells the story of how he overcame his past and looks forward to the future. The Zippels are Chabad shluchim (emissari...
There is a lot of pain in our collective history. For many of us, there is a lot of pain in our individual histories as well. But no matter how deeply we bury it, how much we would like to pretend it didn’t happen, that will not make it go away...
My father did reach out to me a number of times. I, however, could not bring myself to answer his messages. I was afraid that somehow he would rob me of the peace and happiness I had found, and reawaken old and painful memories...
Talking to children about personal safety
Expert educator Rabbi Yakov Horowitz addresses parents’ concerns about how to best protect their children. Moderated and hosted by Rabbi Mordechai Shain, executive director of Lubavitch on the Palisades.
I believe. I have to believe. If I don’t believe, I am left with nothing. I believe, because how can I not?
What happens to the children of parents who were violent, panic-stricken, depressed or living in an addictive fog?
I would become the mother I never had. I would heal by giving and by being generous. I would heal by being positive, optimistic and uncritical.
We all know that if children are deprived of certain vitamins during their formative years, such as Vitamins A, B or D, they suffer lifelong problems. Likewise, the lack of vitamin "L" – love – can create emotional handicaps.
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