
Cleaning; Organization

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After I dropped off the 5 full garbage bags of 'give-aways' at a local charity this morning, I cleaned out, wiped down, sorted out, and re-stocked our 3 door-bathroom chest. I'm in my 9th month of pregnancy and I've got the nesting instinct big time...
Can I teach my child to be more organized? She's just a total mess! She's very bright and capable, but procrastinates with all her responsibilities...
How to clean up after a messy toddler-style meal.
Introduction / Being Organized / Four Women's Schedules / Filling Your Week / With Shabbat
Cleaning / Laundry for Families / Electrical Devices and Appliances / The Eruv: Carrying on Shabbat / Dishwashing on Shabbat / Opening Packages / Remember
I am the mother of three young children whom I absolutely adore. However, I feel like I am falling apart running after them. I grew up with a mother who was always stressed out and I don't want to be that to my children. Yet I don't know how to take care ...
You know who they are—children who lose everything: homework assignments, library books, mittens, wallets and hats. An endless source of frustration for parents and teachers, "losers" are the most frustrated of all: they waste their own precious time and ...
Our family has a sacred, time-honored tradition: before company arrives, we quickly scoop up piles of mail, catalogs, library books, sunglasses, keys, the dog's leash and anything else that has been peacefully parked on the dining room table, and shove it...
A Passover lesson
So here I am scrubbing and scrubbing. I’ve got my soul on my mind. And I’m talking to myself. I’m saying, “Mimi, scrub it away.”
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