
Haitian Earthquake (2010)

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As heavy machinery takes the place of sniffer dogs at crumbled hotels and public buildings across the ruined Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince, Jewish communal efforts are picking up the pace in delivering aid to the hundreds of thousands of survivors.
Many have fled Port-au-Prince for rural villages, and those who have remained behind live amidst the dead.
The Political Controversy Surrounding the Haiti Relief Efforts
Countries are up in arms—over what? Over the right to come to the aid of a poor and helpless nation that is of absolutely no strategic interest to anyone!
An early morning 6.1-magnitude aftershock rumbled through the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince Wednesday, sending people fleeing into the streets as rescue crews continued their last-ditch efforts to find signs of life beneath the ruined city’s towers of...
As thousands of earthquake survivors poured out of Port-au-Prince, a team from a Dominican Republic Jewish center convoyed into Haiti to hand out food and water to desperate locals and assist efforts at a field hospital.
Question: I would really like to send a check to help the people suffering after the earthquake in Haiti. But some of my friends say how could I do that? They say, look there are children going to sleep hungry in Israel. There are families from Gush Katif...
With the situation on the ground in Haiti improving ever so slightly, relief shipments continued apace, filling all 100 landing slots at Port-au-Prince’s small airport and sending a steady stream of trucks across the devastated nation’s border with the Do...
Rabbi Shimon Pelman, the director of Chabad-Lubavitch of the Dominican Republic who crossed the border into neighboring Haiti on Friday, described the contrasts as day and night. With hours to go until the onset of Shabbat,he counseled survivors in the de...
In the wake of anarchy, violence and looting taking rein in isolated pockets across Port-au-Prince, Haiti, calls were pouring in from all corners for a Dominican Republic rabbi, whose web of contacts among local governments, foreign missions and American ...
With aid workers in place and more resources flowing into the devastated nation of Haiti, efforts at reviving its decimated populace kicked into high gear Friday and Saturday.
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