Sarah's Abduction by PharaohKnowledge Base » People & Events » History » Biblical Events » Five Books of Moses (Biblical Events) » Sarah's Abduction by Pharaoh
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Even when we are experiencing our personal famines, our relationship with G‑d is still present and accessible.
Parshah Curiosities: Lech Lecha
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How to Study Torah—Lech Lecha
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Learning Likutei Sichos vol. 20, Lech-Lecha sicha 1
How was Avraham willing to hand over Sarah to Pharaoh just to get gifts? A lesson in how much the soul needs the body.
How does one deal with challenges, curveballs, and seemingly negative events? How do we learn to value internal beauty as much as external beauty? How do we connect to the spiritual when we are surrounded by the physical? We need to look no further than A...
Judaism’s origins begin nearly 4,000 years ago in the Middle East with a couple named Abraham and Sarah, whom G-d selected to start a new people, the chosen nation.
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