
20th Century, The

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Don't we all wish we had more time? So many projects we'd love to embark upon, so many places to see and things to do, but so little time available... Or is that really a fact?
A Timeline Biography of the Rebbe
The rise of Communism, the coming of age of modern science, the Holocaust, the renaissance of Jewish life in America, the Sixties, the feminist movement, the information age, the end of the Cold War -- the Rebbe was there, and had something to say and do ...
You're always talking about how the world is ready and prepared for the Age of Moshiach. I don't see it. It looks like a pretty awful world to me...
In the Rebbe's writings and talks one will find mention here and there of the past -- the Rebbe's own past, the past of his people and of humanity. But the focus is on the future
We live on shifting sands... The past 100 years, even more so the past fifty, and most of all the past ten, have created a burning need for people who can provide points of convergence...
The transition from an industrial to an information society has had a profound effect on the nature of wealth. When wealth comes from materials, it is hard to deviate from the basic conception that when a piece of the pie is given to somebody else, your s...
The human psyche is home to two contrasting drives: a striving for freedom, and an impulse to submit to authority. Which should be given priority over the other? Or, to otherwise state the question: in what sort of environment would the Torah prefer to se...
The Exceptional Leadership of the Lubavitcher Rebbe
The past century has been fraught with unprecedented challenges facing our people, and it was precisely at this juncture that called for extraordinary leadership. Rabbi Yosef Y. Jacobson explores three central themes in the Rebbe’s visionary leadership. (...
Over the past century we have experienced a great leap forward of technological progress. Now it's time to catch up with ourselves...
A short account of a long trip
The first crystal-clear memory I have of the trip up to Woodstock is when we hit 85 miles per hour on the open road in my friend Stevie’s 1968 Buick Wildcat. We were just past the New York State Thruway tollbooth in Newburgh when we raced up alongside a w...
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